Posts tagged parenting
Moving from Uncertainty, Anxiety, and Worry into Purpose in Motherhood - with Ciara Burton

It starts with an open heart.

From there we enter every relationship differently. From our significant others, to our kids, our friendships, and ourselves. Choosing an open heart helps us to be present in our lives and start living into a life of alignment.

Ciara Burton guides mothers through the journey to Becoming Her. Healing our past, and finding fulfillment. Moving through anxiety and depression to find freedom and harmony. She is a highly intuitive and supportive coach whose words encourage us all to think differently about how we are showing up in our daily lives.

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Community and Advice for Becoming a Dad - with Dr. Jay Warren

Stoller strides for dads? Wait, why doesn't this exist?

In the current world of parenting, dads are doing their best to join in with moms and actively parent. But they are the first to do so to the extent that they are. A few generations ago, and even the previous generation had varied expectations and interactions with their children. So the experience, mentorship, and community that is available to new mothers is largely absent to dads. Dr. Jay Warren joins us to talk about why creating that is important and the potential implications on dads and families.

This is good for everyone! When dads feel empowered they can show up in ways they want to for their families! Mom can feel supported and the family a team. Baby and children feel a peaceful home and calm dynamic as parents work together. Dad can enjoy the experience of parenting more. And when he needs it, a community of like-minded dads to go to for advice!

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Back to School - Pivoting, Grace, and Hope for the Future

It's no mystery to anyone the stress surrounding back to school this year. The kids, the parents, the teachers, the administrators - we are all feeling it. Whether facilitating distance learning, a social-distanced classroom, or combinations of both - it's all new, uncharted, and with challenges. Vice Principal Lindsey Howe talks with us about what it looks like at her schools. What have the challenges been? How can parents team with schools for a successful year? What are ways we can help our kids adapt?

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Diastasis Recti, Postpartum and Creative Intimacy as Parents - with Dr. Rose Schlaff

What happened down there? Dr. Rose Schlaff discusses some of what might be lingering for a woman after pregnancy. How our hormones can have further implications on our desire and comfort during intimacy postpartum. Honor your inner wisdom and be gentle with yourself. (Go back to Episode 5 on ways to communicate with your partner if you're experiencing discomfort or pain and set healthy expectations.) Ever wondered how to pronounce Diastasis Recti? Have you heard of this possible cause of the "mommy pooch"? I don't love that term but diastasis recti can affect our core, lower back, and pelvic floor leading to strained muscles, pain, incontinence, and pain during sex. Feeling tired? Feeling unsexy after a day of playdough and perpetual snack serving? We discuss getting creative with foreplay, connecting to each other, and connecting to ourselves in order to shift between the aspects of our lives and feel ready to connect physically.

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